
Welcome to the Quantum Photonics Lab at Heriot-Watt University

We work at the interface of quantum optics, condensed-matter physics, electrical engineering and materials science to create novel quantum devices, with the dual goals to investigate fascinating fundamental physics and to develop applications to secure quantum networking and nanoscale quantum sensing. Read more.

Latest News

  • New Post-Doc! (27/05/2024)- Dr Johan joins us as a new post-doc who will be working on working on autonomous flake identification and equipment integration to assemble 2D heterostructures. Welcome to Scotland, Heriot-Watt and the QPL group Johan!!
  • QPL @ Edinburgh Half Marathon (26/05/2024)- Under a heavy rain, our QPL team completed the Edinburgh Half Marathon! Some witnesses report Nick was also there, but was just too fast to be caught on camera in the photo below