
Welcome to the Quantum Photonics Lab at Heriot-Watt University

We work at the interface of quantum optics, condensed-matter physics, electrical engineering and materials science to create novel quantum devices, with the dual goals to investigate fascinating fundamental physics and to develop applications to secure quantum networking and nanoscale quantum sensing. Read more.

Latest News

  • Congratulations Stewart! (02/10/2024)- Stewart Wallace successfully defended his PhD, with good satisfaction of the two examiners Evert van Nieuwenburg and Fabio Biancalana. Well done Stewart, and good luck with your future career! Stewart's untold goal was to replace open quantum system theorists with machines - did he pull it off? If you're curious, keep an eye an arXiv...
  • New PhD student! (30/09/2024)- Dafydd is joining as a new PhD student working on the application of machine learning to quantum sensing, as part of the Centre for Doctoral Training in "Sensing, Processing, and AI for Defence and Security" (SPADS), and in collaboration with Erik Gauger and Yoann Altman. Welcome to Heriot-Watt Dafydd!