Welcome to the website of the Quantum Photonics Lab at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh (UK). We work at the interface of quantum optics, condensed-matter physics, electrical engineering and materials science to create novel quantum devices, with the dual goals to investigate fascinating fundamental physics and to develop applications to secure quantum networking and nanoscale quantum sensing. Read more.

Latest News
- We are hiring! - We have several funded PhD positions available, through Heriot-Watt’s own PhD School, or through the new Centre for Doctoral Training in “Applied Quantum Technologues” (https://www.aqt.ac.uk/). Get in touch if you are interested!
- European quantum light tour to be hosted at Scotland’s Heriot-Watt University - A #quantum light source that’s travelling across 12 countries in Europe with UNESCO has arrived at Heriot-Watt University – its only #Scottish stop on the tour! 🌠 🌍 We’re excited to share that our Edinburgh campus is hosting the QuanTour – which aims to raise interest in quantum physics ahead of next year’s UNESCO International...
- Early Career Researchers present their work to the UK Minister for Science – Lord Patrick Vallance - Recently Dr Muhammad, Fred and Finley, along with Dr Will McCutcheon and Annameng Mariana Ma from the BBQLab, had the opportunity to present their work and discuss quantum science with the UK Minister for Science, Lord Vallance, at the University of Edinburgh. They each presented a poster and spoke with the minister directly, providing Lord...