
We always look forward to receiving open applications by outstanding candidates, please send your inquiries to the PI whose work you are interested in. We have are currently looking for post-doctoral candidates in the following areas:

  1. post-doctoral position on “SiC quantum opto-electronic devices for quantum networking“. We are seeking for excellent and motivated candidates with a background on solid-state quantum optics and nanofabrication to develop next-generation SiC devices integrating spintronic, photonic and micro-electronic functionalities on the same chip. Please contact Prof Cristian Bonato and Dr Christiaan Bekker for more information.
  2. post-doctoral position on “Quantum sensing for bio-chemical applications“. We are seeking motivated candidates to start a new activity on bio-chemical sensing with single spins. We are ideally looking for somebody with a background in EPR/NMR chemistry, or biology, to complement our expertise in quantum technology. The candidate should be willing to learn about spin physics/control, optical microscopy, etc (by interacting with the physicists in QPL). Given that this is a new research area in our group, we expect the candidate to be able to push new research ideas with some independence. Please contact Prof Cristian Bonato for more information.

We are furthermore always happy to support suitable candidates for fellowships: