Great Scottish Run By Cristian Bonato30th September 201811th October 2018 Team members of the Quantum Photonics Lab went out to Glasgow to run the half marathon. Good job Raphael, Mauro, Brian, Artur and Cristian!
Explorathon Day at the Lyell Centre By Aidan Campbell29th September 201811th October 2018 On 29th September, the QPL team took part in Explorathon 2018 with their ‘Atomic Architects’ exhibit at the Lyell Centre, Heriot Watt University. Visitors were able to peel off layers of atoms using sellotape before viewing their efforts under the microscope. They also saw Moiré fringes in action on our spinning model of two layers…
Welcome to our three new PhD students who have joined our group! By Sarah Nutt10th September 201819th September 2018 Micaela aims to develop scalable on-chip quantum photonics microsystems integrating a class of newly discovered 2D semiconductor materials (transition metal dichalcogenides) in state-of-the-art CMOS compatible nanophotonic circuits, Karen will be controlling spins in silicon carbide to study their potential application as a form of quantum information storage and Aidan will be investigating new structures for more…
Congratulations Raphael! By Sarah Nutt7th September 2018 Congratulations to Raphaël Picard, who was awarded the 2nd year PhD research prize in IPaQS! Enjoy the prize!
Kaleidoscope Selection for Dale’s Image! By Sarah Nutt6th September 2018 Dale’s image from his paper on entangled cluster state generation was selected for the “Kaleidoscope” at Phys. Rev. A : Well done Dale!
Welcome Hyeonjun! By Sarah Nutt5th September 2018 Our new Research Associate, Dr Hyeonjun Baek, has joined us to work on integrated quantum photonic circuits using 2D materials. For this project, he will investigate the interaction between photonic cavities and 2D materials. Welcome to Heriot-Watt Hyeonjun!!