Royal Society workshop on SiC quantum spintronics

We are just back from Chicheley Hall, where we have organized a workshop on SiC quantum spintronics, together with Sang-Yun Lee (KAUST, Korea) and Joerg Wrachtrup (Stuttgart). The event was a great opportunity to bring together quantum physicists with materials growers, device engineers and industry, to develop quantum technologies in this material. For more info:…

Welcome to our three new PhD students who have joined our group!

Micaela aims to develop scalable on-chip quantum photonics microsystems integrating a class of newly discovered 2D semiconductor materials (transition metal dichalcogenides) in state-of-the-art CMOS compatible nanophotonic circuits, Karen will be controlling spins in silicon carbide to study their potential application as a form of quantum information storage and Aidan will be investigating new structures for more…