Royal Society University Research Fellowship 2021 Award – Congratulations Mauro!

Huge congratulations to Mauro who has been awarded a Royal Society University Research Fellowship and is due to take up his new post in October 2021 – ‘Semiconductors with a Twist: Engineering Programmable Quantum Materials’. Through this fellowship Mauro aims to engineer new quantum materials based on 2D semiconductor heterostructures. To address fundamental questions about…

Quantum Technologies 2020 New Project!

On March 15th, 2021, the new project “Connectorising Integrated Quantum Photonics Devices” has kicked off.  This project was awarded in the framework of the Canada-UK call for quantum technologies 2020 and is a collaboration of the Quantum Photonics Lab with the UK company Duality Quantum Photonics and the Canadian Partners at the Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) and OptoElectronic Components (OEC). Its ambitious goal…